Friday 7 October 2016

Sorry Guys But Ladies Have To Know These… 5 Types of Guys You Must Avoid No Matter Their Charm.

There are certain kinds of guys that ladies must avoid for their own good. These are some of those kids of men.

Although they say you should never judge a book by its cover, they never say anything about judging it after you read a little bit. On that same idea, think about how much time, energy and heartache you could save if you could determine if the guy you’re dating is, indeed, relationship material?

The first step in having an amazing and healthy relationship is to choose wisely. You can’t make the right decisions unless you know what to look for, thus getting out or avoiding a situation before you get in too deep and wind up heartbroken.

This article is going to focus on the certain types of guys that will always spell trouble and almost never be the right prospects for a healthy and successful relationship.

1. The One Who Gets Intimate Too Soon
If your guy is overly eager, it’s never a good sign. For one, he may act as if he’s extremely into you just to get you into bed as soon as possible. He’s the kind of guy that looks deep into your eyes and tells you he never felt like this with any girl before, especially this early in. This guy comes across as incredibly affectionate and might confuse even the most wary of women. If he’s the player type, this is all an act to get you into bed.

Alternatively, he might be a guy that’s just not over his last girlfriend. This can be spotted quickly if the guy starts to act as your boyfriend after only a couple of dates. This behavior isn’t explicative of his feelings, but more of the fact that he misses being in a relationship.

Finally, if he’s not a player or a guy who’s just getting out of a relationship, this guy might have some serious attachment issues or self-esteem problems. Either way, he spells trouble.

What to do if you’re dating him right now? It’s time to make the right decision and pump the breaks on this relationship. Don’t see him every time he asks; don’t get carried away with all sorts of cuddly feelings (“I’m so crazy about you”); try to keep things on the light side. If you’ve just started dating him, try to see him a maximum of two to three times a week. If he’s this kind of guy, he’s going to pressure you to see him more often. You have to put your foot down and not fall into this guy’s ploy.

You’ll know he has issues if he’s not respecting your decision to spend less time together. If he whines, guilt trips you, begs, or pouts, then there’s clearly something wrong. Remember, the man you’re dating should ALWAYS respect your boundaries.

2. The Guy With Obvious Commitment Issues

This is the guy that tells you he doesn’t want a relationship right off the bat, the guy that can’t/won’t call you his girlfriend when it’s way overdue, or the guy that’s over 30 and hasn’t had at least two serious relationships (or one very serious, 5+ years relationship).

It really doesn’t matter what their issues are, the bottom line is that this guy can’t see himself in a relationship with YOU. DO NOT try to change his mind, turn him around, or make him want it. You’re just going to waste your time.

What to do if you’re dating him right now? You need to set things straight and leave if he won’t change. Tell him something along the lines of “Look, I’m not into the whole casual dating thing. It was great getting to know you, but I’m looking for something more serious.” If he really wants to be with you, he will make the commitment, if not, leaving him will be the best thing you’ll ever do. Do not make the mistake of trying to stick around to show him how amazing you are because it will get you nowhere.

Don’t hurt his feelings; just be honest about your desires. Just like neediness is one of the biggest turn-offs for men, self-respect is one of the biggest turn-ons. Respect yourself, and don’t be afraid to leave if the other person isn’t ready to give you what you want.

3. The Guy That Hates His Job And/Or Doesn’t Know What He Wants To Do With His Life

When searching for a man, you should always look for confidence, ambition and stability. You can do without one of these qualities bu


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