Everything gets old at one point in life. Whether it is a car, your clothes, your food or even your relationship, It all gets old eventually and old things sometimes do not work that well. But it is not something to depress you over. Some facts in life are for everyone and with time you realize that whether your relationship is worth keeping or not. There are some indications which tell you whether you should continue a relationship or just end it.
If you are having a lot of fights for no good reason then you might want to start thinking again about how badly you want this relationship. We all know that fighting is not good for people emotionally as well as mentally. When you fight you get hurt emotionally and that affects you a lot mentally and psychologically, both. When you and your partner start to fight over things which do not have that much importance it means that you both are taking your frustrations out through fighting and you both are just not happy with each other.
What you do in an unhealthy relationship is that you look for excuses to fight with each other and then the moment you get the excuses you start to take your temper out on your partner. When this happens you should know immediately that the relationship you are in is no longer good for you. Yes it is possible that you start to remember the good times that you had with your partner but those good times do not always mean that they will last forever.
3. Fear of being dumped by your partner:
You have already accepted that the relationship cannot be saved anymore. You are just staying because a flicker of hope always burns in your heart. It’s human nature or maybe you’re just too tired of all the drama and you don’t want more of it in your life. Maybe you are scared that you might end up hurting your partner. There are so many reasons behind this situation but irrespective of that, you just get the feeling that your partner will pack his bags and leave you any minute. You’ve made each other so miserable that you have no reason whatsoever left to stay in the relationship.
You always find excuses to end the relationship. Your partner does the same. You both have indulged into the blame game. You need to understand that relationships turn toxic and sometimes the fault lies in both of you or neither of you. Life is supposed to be hard. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. If you reach a point where you need alibis to run away, then you need to stop holding each other culpable for a toxic relationship. The best way is to just end things.
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