He apologies when he ought to
He knows when he is in the wrong, and isn’t reluctant to admit it and take responsibility for his actions. Indeed, he is more than happy to go out of his way to do little things to ask for forgiveness.
When a man loves you, he may not always enunciate it like the letters of the alphabet, but he shall however do little things that restore your belief in the emotion. He would do the dishes on the days you’re too tired, or cook you dinner on a night before your big presentation because he knows you’d be busy and he cares.
2. You are important in his life:
And you can be certain that you would know of this indisputable fact. When a man makes plans with you, they speak volumes about the depth of his feelings for you. They may be little at first, like making you his plus one to a cousin’s wedding, including you in his regular weekend hangout with his friends, or big ones like travelling together or discussing your future together.
Whether it is a new haircut, or an expression of distress upon your countenance, he is especially perceptive with matters pertaining to you. He notices your restrained smile when you’re upset but don’t wish to let on, and your engaging one when you’re being friendly to a neighbor or colleague, or the naughty one when you’re hiding something mischievous that you did. He notices the new lingerie you wear, and the way the left corner of your mouth tilts slightly upwards when you smile radiantly with unbridled joy. He notices everything about you.
4. He treats you like royalty:
You can be certain, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you are his queen, when he treats you like one. He would surprise you with gifts without occasion, or profess his love for you through the traditional yet beautiful way of flowers, or give you a much needed foot massage after a long day, or make you breakfast in bed on the weekend. He doesn’t need to spell it out; these acts of kindness and love do it for him. He loves you.
He likes talking about you, your likes and dislikes, and things he loves about you. They may seem mundane and ordinary to some, but to him everything about you is beautiful and worthy of adoration.
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