A long distance cheater performs pretty much like every other cheater, except it’ll be harder to catch him or her in a lie. Watch out for the following signs: They don’t want to talk to you over video message or on the phone. They might respond to your written messages, but pay attention if they’re reluctant to talk, or see you face-to-face screen. If they’re lying, it’ll be much easier to do it in writing since you can’t see where they are, You start to see an abundance of new friends pop up on social media, usually of the opposite sex. Pay attention if you start to see the same person pop up in group shots or see a banter exchanged between the two of them on social media They haven’t acknowledged your relationship publicly i.e. on Facebook. Slow communications, it takes them days to respond, and when they do the messages are short and impersonal
Monday, 6 June 2016
4 ways to know your distance relationship lover is cheating, make sure you Read 1 and 3
A long distance cheater performs pretty much like every other cheater, except it’ll be harder to catch him or her in a lie. Watch out for the following signs: They don’t want to talk to you over video message or on the phone. They might respond to your written messages, but pay attention if they’re reluctant to talk, or see you face-to-face screen. If they’re lying, it’ll be much easier to do it in writing since you can’t see where they are, You start to see an abundance of new friends pop up on social media, usually of the opposite sex. Pay attention if you start to see the same person pop up in group shots or see a banter exchanged between the two of them on social media They haven’t acknowledged your relationship publicly i.e. on Facebook. Slow communications, it takes them days to respond, and when they do the messages are short and impersonal
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