It’s good to be good. Good at poker, good at your job, a good dad. Good at anything is usually good enough. Except in bed. In bed, we all want to be great.
Researchers know that being physically fit and active is a big aphrodisiac for women, but it can also make you better in bed. For instance, exercise boosts focus, revs up your libido, enhances your endurance, and helps you gain confidence. So pull double-duty with this better-sex workout.
Being able to let loose, let go, and be a bit uncensored is a great attribute in a partner. For one thing, you'll be less inhibited, which is always se xy. Another reason: Men said that one thing they really want in a lover is for them to make some more noise, says Schwartz of a study she conducted for The Normal Bar. "Men aren't always sure what women want and if she's enjoying herself if she's not giving them any direction. They want to use those sounds as direction." This can be anything from a well-timed moan to words or phrases, like "harder," "slower," or "right there.
Dr. Jaffrey notes in her new book that a major reason for mismatched desire between couples is the way men and women handle stress during the week. Men, she says, see s*x as a stress reliever while women want to have s*x after they've had time to unwind. As a result, women tend to go to bed exhausted, their minds focused on preparing for the next day.
Her solution? "A better alternative is to have s*x in the morning. Set the alarm 30 minutes before your usual time and see what happens. Men's testosterone levels peak in the morning so you might be pleasantly surprised...Another alternative would be to have afternoon s*x on weekends. Interestingly enough, women tend to ovulate in the afternoon, meaning that the optimal hormone level for female se xual desire happens at that time.
You may be eager to just learn specific tips. What I want to do now is show you how to use your hands on your man when in bed. Here are three awesome things your man will greatly appreciate:
Massage him before s*x. Most foreplay usually consists of of kissing and heavy petting before getting down to the act itself. A really nice change that your man will love is giving him a massage first before you do anything else. Doing it with coconut oil will make it way more enjoyable for him.
Don't forget about hand action. Using your hands on his pe*nis is simple, yet he will greatly appreciate and enjoy it. But rather than just grabbing his shaft and paying most of your attention to it (as it's easy to hold), you should focus most of your attention on the top of his pe*nis, since it's by far the most sensitive part and the area that he will get most pleasure from.
Don't be afraid to play with his balls. If you're in a position like cowgirl, reach behind you while he's thrusting in and out and gently massage his balls.
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