Own Cash.
What if the guy decides to be
naughty? Will you be at his
mercy? What if the "date" didn't go
down well? He leaves and your
empty purse punishes you!
A lady is a girl with a class and
not a girl seeking some cheap
attention by exposing cleavages.
A lady is a woman who believes
more in brain power than in her
boobs power. Don't get it twisted,
a lady has more trust in her brain
than her butt.
3. She Speaks Only When Spoken
I'm not promoting girls forming
"dumb". What I'm saying is, she
knows when to contribute and
when she does, it is with maturity
not sillily. As the quote says, " The
wise talk when they have
something to say, fools talk when
they have to say something. .
Her Friends.
She is not the type that will use
vulgar words in describing her
guy. E.g, "Don't mind that stingy
mumu, I asked him for 30k , he
gave me only 5k ". No wonder
your friends go behind you to see
how "mumuish" he is.
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