1. Her body language is directed away from you.
Our bodies don’t lie and always express our true feeling toward something or someone. These are some subtle signs and gestures you need to watch out for:
She generally avoids physical contact with you or doesn’t reciprocate when you initiate it.
2. Fighting and drama
This is the most obvious and easy to fix symptom. If she suddenly starts blowing up over the smallest things and causing a scene, it’s a pretty obvious sign that she’s craving some excitement in your relationship. Women crave emotional experience (both negative and positive). That’s why boredom kills relationships! And going out of your way to smooth things out will only worse.What she’s basically telling you is: “Hey if things don’t get a bit more interesting around here I’m going to go crazy and this isn’t going to work!”
What to do:
– If she starts a fight, just go with it, let her get it out of her system.
– If she starts drama over nothing, just ignore it, and don’t get drawn in.
– Get out of the house. Do something exciting with her outdoors like going hiking or to a theme park and riding rollercoasters.
– Don’t seem needy or desperate for things to work out.
– Experimentally. Turn the drama back on her. Make her jealous.
3. She’s lost interest in s*x.
If she begins claiming to not “be in the mood” or doesn’t seem to be as active a participant as she used to be in the bedroom, you have a problem. Getting things back to where they were and beyond takes work. Try to find out why she lost se xual interest in you .
It could be one of the following: – You became too clingy and needy for attention.
– You lost your identity and based too much of your life on her, neglecting your hobbies and friends
– You got out of shape.
4. Your girlfriend doesn’t have time for you.
While there are some legitimate reasons for being busy, if she suddenly has “a lot of things going on right now” it’s a pretty clear sign she’s avoiding you. Remember: If you like doing something or seeing someone you’ll always find or make time for them instead of always waiting for the perfect free time slot.
Our bodies don’t lie and always express our true feeling toward something or someone. These are some subtle signs and gestures you need to watch out for:
She generally avoids physical contact with you or doesn’t reciprocate when you initiate it.
This is the most obvious and easy to fix symptom. If she suddenly starts blowing up over the smallest things and causing a scene, it’s a pretty obvious sign that she’s craving some excitement in your relationship. Women crave emotional experience (both negative and positive). That’s why boredom kills relationships! And going out of your way to smooth things out will only worse.What she’s basically telling you is: “Hey if things don’t get a bit more interesting around here I’m going to go crazy and this isn’t going to work!”
What to do:
– If she starts a fight, just go with it, let her get it out of her system.
– If she starts drama over nothing, just ignore it, and don’t get drawn in.
– Get out of the house. Do something exciting with her outdoors like going hiking or to a theme park and riding rollercoasters.
– Don’t seem needy or desperate for things to work out.
– Experimentally. Turn the drama back on her. Make her jealous.
If she begins claiming to not “be in the mood” or doesn’t seem to be as active a participant as she used to be in the bedroom, you have a problem. Getting things back to where they were and beyond takes work. Try to find out why she lost se xual interest in you .
It could be one of the following: – You became too clingy and needy for attention.
– You lost your identity and based too much of your life on her, neglecting your hobbies and friends
– You got out of shape.
While there are some legitimate reasons for being busy, if she suddenly has “a lot of things going on right now” it’s a pretty clear sign she’s avoiding you. Remember: If you like doing something or seeing someone you’ll always find or make time for them instead of always waiting for the perfect free time slot.
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