Saturday, 12 November 2016

If Your Girl Does One of These 4 Things, Do Not Let Her Go

It is now believed that young men and women constantly trying to look for a suitable or, more like, perfect companion, are damaging the concept of love as it used to be. While all we all are trying to do is to look for someone who complements our personality, who we can share our good and bad news with. Nothing more, nothing less. We choose to talk to men in this article an guide them about how to not get ‘tired’ of bad experiences and how to know whether or not she is the right one for you. We know that every girl is different and so is every relationship, but if you see any of these below listed 4 things in the girl you are dating, we say you keep her and your relationship.

1. If She Respects Your Privacy:
We have all known that one guy who suddenly got lost somewhere as soon as he found a girlfriend for himself. We are not implying that girls are devils-with-horns who cuff their boyfriends up to a pole and don’t let them leave the house. It is on both the guy and the girl to decide for their privacy and freedom.
But sometimes, girls get a little too possessive and, unknowingly, they persuade their men to spend all of their time with them. Now, that may be out of excessive love and care for you but it is not healthy. Everybody needs some alone time or a good day out with friends, be it a man or a woman. So, if your girl understands that and lets you have some ‘guy time’ with your buddies, you have got a great blessing in disguise of her.
2. If She Trusts You:
V*deos of how girls try to unlock their guys’ iPhones are quite famous on the internet; and true to some extent too. It is really easy to get to know all about a person’s life by either raiding their cell phone or reading the diary they write. But if we look closely, it damages a relationship more than anything else can. Lack of trust can be as harmful to a relationship as lack of sugar in a pie. Trust is a hard virtue to find.
Also, it can take years to earn someone’s trust while it can only take seconds to break it. While trust is a beautiful thing to have in a friend, it is even more beautiful if your lover has it in you. It is magical, indeed, to have someone in your life who would completely trust you with everything. If you have a girl who does not doubt you but only wishes well for you, then you are a lucky guy, and you ought to put the same amount of trust in her.

3.If She Complements your Humour:
Humour is what attracts a girl the most, in majority cases. Different girls react differently to the joke you crack during your daily routine. There are different ways that a girl can adapt for processing your humour. Sometimes, the girl likes it, while other times, she does not.
Now comes the real thing. The above discussion was just a general way to look at things without going in any depth. When you are in a relationship with a girl, there are a lot of things that count. These things determine, whether or not you can go long term with the girl or not. Humour is one of those and is really an important one.
If a girl shares a sense of humour with you, you go for her. You can evaluate this on different basis. Whether or not she goes crazy when you crack a joke. And well, if she adds on to the joke you just made, she is a keeper. Never let her go. She is your Lobster.

4.If She Believes in You:
Love is something that can make you do things you do not want to do. You do them just to satisfy your girl and make her feel loved. It is not only you who does that. The girl also does such things for you. Just to keep the thing alive, partners make compromises.
But of course, this is not the only basis. You need a girl who believes in you and who helps you think that you can just do it, whatever it is, you can do it, if she is by your side and if she believes in you.
Remember, love can make you do things belonging to both the extremes: they can be constructive as well as destructive, depending upon the scenario. Choose your girl wisely. Choose the one who sees a hero in you and who would do anything to keep your morals high. She is the one whose love is not limited to the circle of love only, but expands beyond the limitations of life.


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