You can’t keep fighting to be with someone who isn’t fighting to be with you, you can’t keep holding onto someone who is not holding onto you, you can’t keep planning your future with someone who doesn’t plan theirs with you, you can’t keep running back to someone who is running away from you, you can’t keep loving and caring about someone who shows that they no longer love you, and you can’t keep taking someone as a priority yet they are taking you as their option.
Trust me it’s a waste of time, money and energy. No matter how hard and hurting it is, you have to let go of such a person and open up a new chapter. You deserve to be happy, loved and cared for not to be sad all the time, to have sleepless nights, to cry and plead for someone’s love.
Many people don't appreciate effort of their partner.
She cares and respect you but you keep talking to her anyhow.
He always buy things,sending card,money and you still don't appreciate him,you find it hard to say thanks for everything.
Many people have been fooling themselves just because they want to prove their love.
You're proving your love and she don't even care or appreciate what you're doing for her,why don't you stop fooling yourself and accept that she don't love you.
Many has been deceiving themself by saying I have spend a lot to quit now,hmm so you prefer suffering rather than being happy.
You need to advice yourself and stop fooling around; just accept the dude don't appreciate your love.
You're doing anything possible to make her understand that you truly love her but it not yielding any profit,I understand you truly love her but don't you know she may not even feel anything for you.
Dude if a girl love you ,she will surely show you that she love you that's the fact. '
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