How To Know If He Likes You OR Just Want To Sleep With You. How do a woman know if a man really loves her
or just wants to sleep with her? This is a difficult
question to answer because there are so many
wolves in sheep clothing out there who pretend
to love a woman but are only interested in
sleeping with her.
Below are some of the best signs to know if he really likes you or just wants to sleep with you.
If when he sends messages, all he does is make plans to see you and talk dirty, then all he wants is to sleep with you.
If you've been warned. Have
other women come up to you and told you to stay away from him? Have your
friends told you that he's a player, and that
he'll never be your boyfriend? Unless you
think you can "tame" or "change" him,
(and you can't) then these are bright red
flags that say it's time to call it quits
pronto. Don't think that you're different,
or that these women don't know what
they're talking about. If you've heard it
from multiple people, then chances are,
they're right.
See if his phone is always blowing
up when he's around you. If he
shows up and his phone rings off the hook,
and he keeps looking at it and then
shutting it off, then it may be because the
ladies are calling him 24/7. If he's texting
as soon as you step out of the room and
abruptly puts away his phone when you
show up, then you're not the only girl in his
life. And if he never leaves his phone
unattended, not even for a second, then it
may be because he doesn't want you to
see all of the sweet texts from his other
side pieces.
See if you never kiss without it leading to s*x. In most relationships, people kiss just to show affection, to feel a connection, and to be intimate in a quick
and enjoyable fashion. You can just be
kissing when you're taking a walk, kissing in
a dark bar, or just because you have the
urge on a Monday morning. If every time
you kiss your man, he starts reaching for
your x-rated body parts, then he may think
that he should only kiss you for some sexy time.
Check out his level of affection. Does
he ever want to snuggle, cuddle, or hug just because, without any s*xual
connection? If not, then it may be because he wants one thing only.
See if he never reveals personal information. Guys who are using a woman for s*x often give few or no details about themselves. Have you gleaned what
you know about him from friends,personal observation, general
conversations, past interactions, or has he
really volunteered personal and revelatory
information about himself to you? This is a VERY telling point, so it is worth
considering carefully.
See if he never talks about a future
with you. Have you been hooking up
for months and haven't ever talked about
what you're going to do even a month
from the day you see your guy, let alone
next summer? Have you been at it for over
a year but you haven't made any moves to
get more serious? If not, then he may just
see you as a temporary thing and isn't
ready to be the boyfriend you want him to
See if all he talks about is s*x. Is he
interested in emotional discussions
about his feelings? Does he discuss where
things are headed with the two of you? Or
is it more you? Or is he more interested in
whether you've purchased new crotchless
undies and if you remembered to pop into
the pharmacy this morning for additional
supplies? Or if you considered trying out
that new s*xual position?
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