Its hardly possible to go a day without seeing a lady dressing indecently on the street. If as a guy i am not confortable with going outside my gate in just my boxers and singlet to get something from the Northerner in front of my house, i don't understand aw some ladies can walk from Mushin to Oshodi in just a bumper short or micro-mini skirt and a sleeveless top, revealing their Breast-vages and breast-pits to the public.
Among many, here are some reasons why you should stop watching pornography and hence stop masturbating:
div masturbation is the delibrate stimulation one's genitals or that of others which often leads to orgasm. Before i tell u how quitting of porn viewing helps to curb masturbation, u must know why u shouldnt masturbate.
Masturbation is a spiritually unhealthy habit which instills in one an atittude of self-centredness and corrupt mind. A masturbator in time will grow to view others as mere s*x object for s*xual satisfaction. S*x becomes seperated from love and is relegated to a reflex that gives momentary a relieves s*xual tension of which the relief is only temporary. A masturbator lacks self control, they get overly aroused at every slight s*xual incident. Lets say a lady's body touches him on a queue, or in a bus or he or she sees a poster revealing little part of the body. Most rapist are unrepentant masturbators. They get seduced easily, imagine a little girl of four years old sitting on the legs of a 30 years old masturbator, without doubt he will start feeling aroused since he lacks self control. Most fathers who rapes their child are chronic masturbator who couldnt just control them selves. Masturbation clouds the thinking of such ones who indulge in it.
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