Immediately after getting out of a relationship,you may feel like you’re destined for loneliness. Even worse is the sickening thought of being the only single person out there surrounded by happy couples. However, in reality, being single, independent and free of the many stresses that a relationship can
bring offers several advantages that outweigh relationship.
Nobody to talk to or go do stuff with on a
moment's notice -- of course you still have friends, but it's not the same as having someone who's always nearby.
If you're type that like being around people,being single may affect you but you have to be strong.
There is no one to call when you are on
vacation/at a conference: I really like it you are on a trip, and after
dinner, everyone goes back to the hotel room to ‘call home’ and ‘check up on things’, and since your room mates and parents
don’t really care how your trip is going, you sit awkwardly, lonely in the room by yourself, trying not to but unavoidably listening in on everyone else’s conversations.
Lack of intimacy: One of the disadvantages of not getting married is
the lack of physical closeness. And as single women get older, they will have fewer or no intimate partners.
You will have to cook, clean, shop, pay the bills and do almost everything by yourself. If you are a single parent, you have an additional responsibility of taking
care of the children without help from your spouse.
You are less financially secure; if you are
injured or lose your job, you will have to lean on friends and family.
Getting sick is kind of a drag when there's nobody to care for you.
The possibility of long dry spells with no close companionship. Not all of the single people I know are lonely, but almost all of the lonely people I know are single.
If you want kids, you will raise them as a single parent which can be a challenge.
The advantages notwithstanding, I firmly believe that some people are better suited to marriage or long-term relationships than others. Nobody
should be forced to be single, but being forced by circumstance or social pressure to be in a relationship is just as bad for some people.
Having to explain to your family WHY you
are single: I always feel like a reject of society whenever people ask me if I have a boyfriend,and I defiantly respond, “NO”. I mean, how else do I respond to that question: “Well, I COULD have a boyfriend, but this guy said he doesn’t like me”, “There is this guy who wants to date me, but he just doesn’t make enough money for my taste”,“I have a defect that I can’t tell you about right
now, but whenever I tell guys about that, they run away”. Sometimes, I make up stories of dates I went on, just so they don’t think I sit at my house,lonely and depressed all weekend. Society does
not understand that I am NO LESS of a person because I don’t have a
significant other.
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