You find yourself always talking about him.
You can’t help it. Someone says or does something that reminds you of him and
before you even realize it you’re talking about him.
It doesn’t matter who you’re talking to. You could be talking to the lady who does your hair, or your mom, or the cashier at the grocery store and he’ll still come up in conversation.
Most importantly, you can’t stop bringing him up around your friends. If they’re tired of hearing about him, that’s a dead giveaway that you’re “guilty” of this sign…
You totally stop thinking
about your ex.
So you might have had an
obsession with your ex-
boyfriend who broke your
heart and cheated on you
with his ex-girlfriend (or
whatever he did).
You might have missed him
or completely hated his guts
with a burning passion that
could light a thousand suns. You might have gone weeks where every morning you wake up and your first thought is wondering
whether you could fit him inside a blender.
And now? You actually pretty much don’t care anymore. You don’t fixate on your
anger for the guy who screwed you over.
You almost feel a sense of indifference.
It’s a crazy experience. You never thought you’d see the day where he’s truly gone from your thoughts, but now he is… because someone else has taken over your thoughts.
You can’t concentrate at work
and suddenly have ADD.
So you’re at work and supposed to be doing
some kind of spreadsheet or paperwork or
training the new killer whale at the park to jump through a hoop, and what are you doing instead? You’re daydreaming about him.
Or if you’re around family and friends, your
mind is elsewhere. You’re just not present in
the moment with them, because you’re
thinking of him.
You can’t even help it, it’s like you’re in this
beautiful daydream where it’s just you and
him in the world. You feel like you’re in a
small world built for two, a world only you
and him could ever possibly understand.
You might even be dodging your responsibilities in lieu of an all-day text or
email chain with him. And when you’re not
writing, you’re sitting there obsessively
checking your phone or refreshing your
email waiting for the second he writes back.
You can’t explain why you’re
always happy. All of a sudden you feel giddy and lighthearted for
no apparent reason at all.
Things that might have
annoyed you or brought
your mood down before
don’t seem to bother you at
all now. It’s like you’re a different person. It’s as if
there’s a ray of sunshine splashing across your face. And the best part is the smile on your face comes from a place within. It’s a specific kind of happiness you’ve never experienced before. And it’s beautiful. You can’t even help it.
Everything reminds you of him Whether you’re walking around, see a Starbucks and wish he was there with you…
Or you’re shopping around at Bed, Bath &
Beyond and can’t help but wish he was there
choosing random pillows…
No matter what, everywhere you go, you think of him. It’s a strange feeling you can’t
help. He just pops into your head at the most random times.
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