Monday, 9 May 2016
You will come across
many MEN in your life
and you will be Tempted to
fall in love, don’t be Lured to giving your heart to any Man
just because he is Handsome, Popular, Rich
Dresses well etc..
Physical Attraction and
Sexual Impulses are
short lived.
Give your heart to a man who know your heart
just like he know his
own and feel your pain
just the way you feel it.
Give your heart to man
who understand how much strength you.have gathered to overcome a bad past.
Give your heart to a
man who understand
your mind. Someone who
appreciate the way you
stand tall despite all the mess in your life.
Most of the girls of this
generation are spoilt and they no longer have love but lust. They enter relationships with high
expectations and different
intentions like being given
material things, financial support for their studies and wellbeing and others look for fame. The feeling
of true love comes as a by the way to them and most of them end up getting used and disappointed in the end.
They are no longer hard working and focused at all. They like quick and already made things and they
like being dependants on men. They no longer want things of courting each other, and working hard together as a couple to
create a better a future.
So, becareful with the people you choose to fall in love with because not everyone is after love. Most of the people are after different things. They are just passing by in our lives. They are tourists to our
fragile hearts. They come in our lives to use us, to revenge on us, to know us and just to have fun
with us. Also be careful when you are unmasking your heart to someone. Always leave a room for
disappointments because people change anytime and things come to an end.
Give your heart to man
who touches your soul
before he touches your
body. He is the one who
will never leave you
alone and hold on you till
the end of time.
Long lasting
Relationship/ Marriage
are not based on S*XUAL
INTIMACY. They are
based on TRUE LOVE
and understanding.
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