1. Family links: If your guy wants you to meet his family, be around him at family events, meet his siblings and people he loves, he really wants to settle down with you. He has seen you as a member of his family. When He wants you: Guys get emotional and soft when they have found the woman they want to spend their lives with. They are not scared to let you know how they feel. He is not ashamed to tell you how much you mean to him. He is always telling you how special you are to him.
Sunday, 12 June 2016
If your lover truly love you and wanted to marry you,he will acted in this 3 ways
1. Family links: If your guy wants you to meet his family, be around him at family events, meet his siblings and people he loves, he really wants to settle down with you. He has seen you as a member of his family. When He wants you: Guys get emotional and soft when they have found the woman they want to spend their lives with. They are not scared to let you know how they feel. He is not ashamed to tell you how much you mean to him. He is always telling you how special you are to him.
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