Wednesday 31 August 2016

Ladies, You Don’t Have To Worry Anymore! This Is How To Enjoy S*x Soon After Childbirth

Have you been wondering about how you can have s*x soon after childbirth? Then you should go through this carefully. S*x after childbirth can be scary for many women; even though childbirth makes them to have all it takes to make their husbands want more $ex on mere sighting them; talk of larger (milk-filled) B.reasts and pointed nipples. It is even for this reason that some men ‘compete for’ or ‘alternate’ the B.reasts with their new babies. Although s*xual intercourse is not encouraged until six weeks after, for those who had normal delivery, to allow the body heal faster and avoid likely infections, some men have often described such women as more attractive. But those might not be enough to boost the confidence and preparedness of some women to resume $exual activities with their husbands, and the fears may not be misplaced after all. For those who had normal delivery, some tend to be apprehensive of what their partners would think of what has become of their body, largely because of their fatigued and ‘loose body.’ Coupled with exhaustion and other things that could take their minds away from going for another romp in the sack, it is not uncommon to see that some couples’ s*x lives derail after childbirth.
And on the other hand, for those who had Caesarean Section, the pain may not abate quickly, which makes $ex somewhat painful. Even though the tightness of the vagina is retained when a woman gives birth through CS, which is the reason why some men encourage their wives to go through the operation to avoid having a loose vagina afterwards, studies have however shown that s*x may become more painful for such couples after childbirth until it heals completely. Thus, such women shy away from it for some time. Impliedly, whether the delivery was done through normal delivery, use of some equipment, through CS or there was episiotomy, which is a surgical cut made at the opening of the vagina during childbirth to widen the passage for easy delivery and prevent rupture of tissues, there is usually the possibility of a cut, tear or scar at the end of the exercise, which could dampen couples’ $ex lives. But there is a way out. For women who had CS, one good way to enjoy $ex after childbirth and avoid nightmarish experiences would be to explore extensive foreplay or adopt other $ex positions apart from the missionary style so as not to put too much pressure on the pain until it heals. According to a popular nurse and $exual health expert, Samantha Evans, “Pressure on the wound arising from CS can cause pain, while some loss of sensation around the wound can also occur, making it sensitive to touch. Therefore these women should avoid $exual positions which exert pressure on their abdomens and over the wound site.” And apart from using helpful $exual positions, experts have advised foreplay, which can take both parties to orgasm without any penile intercourse. Medical experts have pointed out that the stimulation of the glans (the rounded part forming the end of the Pen!s) can make men ejaculate, and the stimulation of the clitoris or the nipples can take women to their own destination.
Thankfully, previous studies, as earlier discussed on this page, have shown that a significant number of women don’t reach orgasm through penetrative $ex, but through the stimulation of such vital parts. According to a consultant endocrinologist, Dr. Olamoyegun Michael, couples can still have an exciting $exual experience after childbirth because, physiologically, childbirth does not affect $exual performance in women. He said if there was no problem at delivery and there were no injuries, there should be no reason for any reduced libido or enjoyment of $ex and couples can enjoy $ex after delivery, as much as they did before the pregnancy. In fact, he said such women tend to experience increased vag!nal secretion, which is key in $exual enjoyment, and that if there is dryness at all, it is possibly because there is no enough stimulation. Thus, the man


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