Wednesday 14 September 2016

10 Ways to know your lover truly love you or ready to marry you especially when he makes you feel this 10 ways,CLICK TO READ

They Make You Feel Good About Who You Are
It’s easy to feel good AROUND someone. In fact, feeling good around someone is often a key ingredient in the start of a relationship and the forming of affection.
If you feel good around someone, you want to be around them more. That’s going to lead to romantic (or platonic) relationships with that person.

Far more rare is the person who makes you feel good about WHO YOU ARE. That person takes the time to understand who you really are, what makes you really tick, and then give you affection and validation about it.
Even if they do it subconsciously, this is a super important thing in a relationship. If your partner makes you feel good about who you are, there’s a very good chance they’re in love with you.

They Give You Lots of Affection
And I’m not just talking about s*x.
Affection doesn’t HAVE to be about s*x. In fact, a lot of couples engage in a lot of s*x that doesn’t have much affection in it at all. S*x where he doesn’t look into your eyes or make you feel close and connected to him… that’s not affection. S*x where you don’t feel present and heard, cared for and loved… that’s not affectionate s*x.
Affectionate s*x can be one of the most intense, bonding experiences a man and a woman can have. But beyond s*x, what’s affection?
I’m talking about cuddling, looking into each other’s eyes and letting the world melting away. I’m talking about him putting his arm around you, touching the small of your back and looking you in the eyes with that certain “look” you literally cannot get enough of.
You’d be shocked to know what a MAJOR thing it is for a guy to TRULY be affectionate with a woman. This shows he’s most likely in love with you if he can’t get enough of being close, intimate and connected with you. Honest to god affection, physical closeness, and intimacy go a long way in strengthening a relationship and helping love grow.

They Ask For Your Input on Decisions
You know how it would be weird if your partner decided to just up and buy a house without talking to you?
Or if they decided to move to a different city for a few months because they wanted to try it out there?
Yeah, that would be weird. That would be really inconsiderate of them, and a huge sign that they probably aren’t in love with you.
But if they think of you first when they’re faced with a big decision, if they decide to include you and listen to your counsel when they’re deciding, well, that’s a huge sign they might be in love with you

Together time matters to him: A guy will go all the way to look for how he can spend more time with you than any other person in his life, spending time with his best friends or family will surely take a back seat and the time he’ll be spending with you will take the front seat.

He wants to give to you.
Real love is about giving, not taking. This is why parents typically love their children more than their children love them. You would think it would be the opposite. From birth through our teenage years (and sometimes beyond!) kids take and parents give. Every parent will tell you that you never know real love until you have a child, and that’s because this kind of love is all about giving.
When you love someone, you want to give that person everything you have. This isn’t about material possessions. You want to give by being the best you can, you want to make them happy, to enhance their life, you want to do things for them that will make them happy.
Love isn’t merely a feeling; it’s a verb and it comes across in actions. The biggest action that indicates a man loves you is when he gives you all he can.

He treats you like a priority.
Everyone is busy; we all have work or school or other commitments. When a man loves you, he will make spending time with you a priority. And if he really doesn’t have time, he’ll make sure to let you know when he will. When a man loves you, you’re the most important person in his life and he makes sure to carve out a place in it for you.

Your happiness is as important to him as his own.
Your happiness may be even more important! When you love someone, really love someone, their happiness is your happiness. This is especially true for men who need to feel like they can make a woman happy. If you tell him that something makes you unhappy and he keeps doing it, this is not a sign that he’s in love with you. A man who loves you will avoid doing things that make you unhappy and will learn the things will make you happy, and he’ll make an effort to do those things

He’s there for you even when it’s inconvenient.
Being in love is easy when everything is going great and it’s all smooth sailing, but what happens when you hit a rough patch, or when you need him? How does he respond when there is a problem, when he needs to be there for you even if there are other things he would rather be doing? Love is other-focused; it’s not about one’s own needs and desires, it’s about factoring in someone else. When a man loves you, nothing will be more important than being there for you when you need him. It may not always be his ideal scenario, but he’ll step up and be there

He doesn’t give up.
He puts his all into the relationship and really commits to making it work. When you love someone, you don’t quit without a fight. I remember in the beginning of my relationship with my husband, a lot of my deep-seated relationship fears started bubbling to the surface. I had been blindsided by breakups in the past; I’d had men tell me they loved me and then they left me. It’s hard to just forget such things and wipe the slate clean. Even though this relationship was totally different from anything else I’d ever experienced, those fears lingered. I remember one conversation where I brought this up to him, and he told me that if this relationship didn’t last, it would be a mutual parting and we would both see it coming. He wasn’t going to just leave; he was going to put in everything he had. He did and so did I, and fortunately it all worked out!

If a man says he loves you but doesn’t want to try anymore, or gives up because he thinks it’s too hard, then it probably wasn’t real love. You don’t give up on love unless you have put everything you have into making it work, and it was just impossible (and this is something that both people will usually be able to clearly recognize). There are obviously times where someone can truly love you, but because you’re just not right for each other, or maybe because you aren’t willing to put in the necessary effort, that he will walk away even though he loves you, but only after giving it his all.


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