You go for one friend's wedding every weekend and your other friends are getting into serious relationships while you have been single for a long time? There may be certain factors which are caused by you, preventing you from being in that serious relationship which will lead to the altar.
Kyrstal Crossman of Healthy Black Woman, lists five reasons why women remain single for a long time and she says they are common issues and quite fixable.
1.You focus more on your career than you do on your love life. If you are always working you are not going to have a lot of time to go out dating. You most likely will not have much time for going to bars or clubs either like many other singles do. There is nothing wrong with focusing on your career but if you are feeling lonely and feeling like you need a relationship you may want to try and balance your work/life situation a little better.
3.You do not feel that you are worthy of having someone in your life who can love you. If you have confidence issues or have been hurt badly in past relationships you may not feel like you deserve to have someone else in your life. You also may feel like you don’t have any love that you can give out to someone because you still have lingering pain or other feelings from your last partner.
If you have a certain type of man that you like to be in a relationship with such as someone who likes music you should go to concerts or a music store to surround yourself with people who have similar interests. If you don’t want someone who is athletic going to the gym and looking for a partner there is just setting yourself up for a relationship that will not work.
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