When we see s*x in film and on TV, it’s usually happening at night. And night s*x is bomb,
don’t get us wrong. But it gets enough attention. What we don’t talk enough about is morning s*x. Probably because we don’t DO it enough. But we should. Because it’s great. And here are all the reasons.
2. And s*x in the morning wakes you up like this.
3. The post-morning s*x shower is about as fun as showers get.
You’ve got a pocket full of sunshine…And, something else, but do we have to keep going with this joke?
4. You have a spring in your step all day long because YOU HAD S*X.
Your entire Tuesday is the Lonely Island “I Just Had S*x” song on repeat. Yes,including the cake.
And you tell them nope, everything’s same old, and then you smile like Mona Lisa while you think to yourself “Morning s*x is the most dope cosmetic, what am I doing spending so much $$$ on bronzer?”
6. You get scandalous/awesome texts from your S.O. all day long
7. When you finally blab about your morning s*xytimes to your friends everyone treats you like a magical love witch and begs you to tell them the secrets of the universe
“So you just set your alarm clock for 30 to 40 minutes earlier than you normally wake up…”
S*x twice in one day, you deserve an Olympic gold medal for s*x, you tireless athlete, you.
9. And even if you come home from your morning s*x day, like, the TIREDEST…
Toei Animati
(You are operating on 20 to 40 fewer minutes of sleep, after all…)
10. You don’t need to feel bummed out about the fact that you’re too exhausted to have s*x that night… BECAUSE YOU ALREADY HAD IT THAT MORNING
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