All you need from your partner is that smile at the end of the day that will make you forget all the worries and stresses of the day. If you stay positive and make every situation light, no matter how conflicting it is, then your partner will make sure that they become that beacon of love and hope for you that will shine your way till the end.
1. A relationship cannot work if both partners do not know how to compromise. When you are looking for a partner, the first thing that you need to observe is if he or she compromises on small things for you. When a person compromises, he or she actually sets aside their pride for you. This shows you that you partner is not egotistic and your happiness is more important for him or her.
2. The most common reason for break-ups. Not getting enough attention from your partner? Well, it is time that you look for someone new. Noting the attention span is important because when you are dating someone, you are supposed to be the most important part of their life. If the person you are dating gives you all the attention in the world, just don’t let them go, ever.
3. Does your partner show delayed gratification or gets impatient over the smallest things? Patience is a significant aspect of a human being’s nature. If a person gets impatient over, say, a late bill when you are on a date or when the cars on the road won’t move, then this is one of the signs that they will get impatient with you and your habits, too.
4. When you are kind to your partner and show that you can handle everything with love, then they reciprocate it, always. Kindness is very important to maintain a healthy relationship. Imagine finding a very cute guy or girl around the street and they need some kind of help. You go up to them and help them by being kind and polite. That same kindness can touch their hearts and you may find that amazing partner in a blink of an eye just because you were kind to them.
5. Sometimes, giving is more fun than receiving. Your partner will get bored soon if they realize that you just want their attention and love but are not ready to give it back. Same goes for your partner, too. If you feel like they just want and want from you and are not ready to return the same sentiments to you, then it is time to back off.
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