1. Most of the time if his phone rings, he'll simply answer it and talk even when you are around. There are calls, however, that he seems to need privacy for. He'll go where you can't hear him, or he'll angle his body so you can't see what he is texting. Often, there are calls he ignores. If you have been telling yourself you are just being controlling or paranoid, you can stop it right there. This is suspicious behavior and deserving of a big red flag.
Women drop things and leave things behind like magazines, and earrings. If you find stuff like that in his car or his house then there must be another woman visiting aside from you.
3. Being with him seems a lot like time-sharing.
You are only able to see him or spend time with him Fridays, or Saturdays or Sundays" never the whole weekend, and always according to a pre-arranged time. You also never see each other during the week, or if you do it is only late in the evening, or only for lunch in some out-of-the-way restaurant. He never sleeps over and you never stay at his place, often, you haven't seen his place. All these signs may mean not only that he has a secret girlfriend; he may actually have a wife, making you the secret girlfriend.
4. His cell phone is strictly off limits.
Your boyfriend has made it clear (even without telling you directly) that his cell phone is off limits. It's password protected and he never leaves it lying around. If this is his attitude, chances are there are things on his cell he doesn't want you to know about. This should make you wonder if he has a secret girlfriend because he should be able to trust you, you should be able to trust him, and it's hard to establish trust when there is a mystery cell phone in the picture. Another red flag.
If you have been together for more than a month or two, it's unlikely there hasn't been at least one occasion or opportunity for him to introduced him to 'his people'. He should be interested in introducing you to at least his friends. Some men take a long time when it comes to family. If you've never met anyone connected to him, that's a huge red flag, unless he's recently moved to the area. Something is not right, and you probably already know it.
6. He never takes you to his place.
If your boyfriend lives alone (or says he does), but he never takes you there, that should be a red flag. If he is too embarrassed to invite you because he is a slob, he should either get over his embarrassment, hire a maid, or clean up his place. Before jumping to conclusions, make sure it's just his dirty socks he's hiding, and not his dirty laundry.
His version of a date always seems to be someplace quiet and private. At first this struck you as romantic, but now you're beginning to ask yourself if he's just making sure you remain hidden. Perhaps you are the secret girlfriend.
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