love and gratitude is an important and uplifting gift for both the giver and the receiver.
2. Order T-shirts for each Keep your love alive by showing love
Take a minute to make a list of how many ways you are grateful for someone who is special to you: a spouse, a lover, a child, a parent, a friend. Then mail that person the list. You will both be smiling and sharing a glorious that say, "I am in love with the world's BEST."
3. Find photos of yourself when you first met and have them photocopied onto coffee mugs.
4. Order a calendar that has a a place for a little note for each month; for example, "I still remember looking at our first harvest moon together."
6. Fill up large wine glasses with Italian Baci candies (each has a love saying) and serve them with dinner.
7. Send a card that makes him laugh or just a simple thank you note for his presence in your life.
8. Show gratitude by using loving words even if you are not feeling loving.
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