2) Understand love is always a gift. Love is a blessing even if it ends painfully, for heartbreak bears great wisdom.
4) Stay in the present. Don’t ruminate about the past or second guess your actions. Don’t worry about the future. (“Will he find somebody else? Will that relationship be better?”) Stay out of your head, for that is a dangerous place to go. Practice mindfulness techniques like deep breathing and meditation. Imagine breathing in what you need (strength, hope, energy) and out what you don’t (pain, aches, sadness).
5) Release feelings of anger, hatred and thoughts of revenge. Understand this are all related to ego and cause you more harm than good. Anger exacerbates anxiety and depression, keeps us tethered and prevents us from moving forward. As Nelson Mandela said, “Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill your enemies.” In a moment of quiet, repeat the mantra, “I forgive and release you and let you go.”
Don’t be a whack-a-mole and repeatedly poke your head up for rejection from the object of your affection. As Mark Twain said, “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” Care enough about yourself to conserve your energy for those who deserve it, starting with yourself!
7) Get support . Talk to friends and family who are empathic and kind. Tell them specifically what you need from them. If your friends are tired of your broken record, consider therapy or a support group. Get immediate help if feeling so depressed you are suicidal.
8) Know you are lovable. Do not misinterpret the end of a relationship as meaning you are somehow not enough. Sometimes people aren’t capable of giving us the love we need and deserve, which is their issue and not yours. You are exactly as you should be and are perfectly lovable just the way you are.
9) Practice self-love. Recognize masochistic and self-harm behaviors (not eating, substance abuse, risky behaviors, etc.) and nip them in the bud. As Buddha said, “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Stick to structure and routine and get proper rest, nutrition and exercise. Don’t isolate yourself or your depression will take a deeper hold on you.
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