5 Things Kids Need To Hear Daily.
Here are a few simple things you can add to your
daily conversations with your kids that can change the way they think about themselves, and others.
1. I love you. You can start your day by saying this to your kid or you can plant a kiss on their little cheeks
to show affection. This phrase might mean three simple words to you, but for your child it means a lot!
Your affection reassures her or him.
2. You can do it.. Small tasks that need to be done at
school or around the house may seem difficult, or
impossible, to your little ones because they have a limited view of their abilities. At this point, it is
important for parents to encourage their children and remind them that they have the capability to do what is required of them.
3. Always do your best.. It is important to teach your children that in any situation they find themselves
they should always perform to the very best of their abilities and never accept anything less.
4. Have A Great Day, Don’t Forget Who You Are.. Your kid is struggling to find their identity every day, and
it’s happening sooner than you think. In this fast paced world we live in, it seems the angsty teenage
years start at 10! It’s never too early to help build your child’s identity, and help them figure out what
values to hold on to. Reminding them of who they are and how special and important they are before they
leave the house–well, that’s just icing on the cake!
5. Mistakes Happen.. When I was a kid, I swear I spilled a glass of milk at least once a day. I cried
every time. That’s right, I literally cried over spilt milk.
I’m sure it got annoying, and I’m sure when my
parents started poking fun at me it was all in good
humor. But I became so very self-conscience about
my clumsy hands and my bumbling feet that I didn’t
want to hardly move for fear of knocking something
over! Instead of getting upset over spilt milk, it is far
more productive to teach your kids that mistakes
happen, and it’s how we deal with them that matters.
may even have an opportunity to show them how to
handle a mistake in your own life!
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