You should normally not pick at your skin let alone
pop pimples if you haven't mastered how to
properly do it!
last a long time before they heal.
Popping pimples can cause scarring that can last a
long time before they heal apart from the risk of
infection, more breakouts and host of other
unpleasant things.
Here are seven solid reasons not to pop those
pimples below:
1. It results in scarring/dark spots that are not easy to
2. There is a risk of bacterial infection and possible
4. Squeezing pimples hurt and in some cases cause
serious skin inflammation and redness
5. Popping pimples create a 'wound' that can take a
while to heal if done the wrong way.
6. When you pop pimples, it becomes harder to cover
them up, revealing blemishes which wouldn't give
you a flawless makeup finish.
7. Popping pimples cause scarring which can take
forever to heal.
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