Thursday 30 June 2016

7 Things to do when someone taking away your lover or snatching him/her

  1. 1. Reestablish contact. This can take some time and needs to be perfectly timed. Once your no contact period is over, you need to consider ways to reconnect with your ex. The best way to do this is case-specific.For example, if you have a lot of mutual friends, then you can attend a party that a mutual friend is throwing. Or, if you feel more comfortable not reestablishing contact in person, you can try texting him to ask something innocent, like the name of a restaurant you both once went to. Keep these conversations short, to the point, and emoji-free
    2. Be nice to both of them. You have to be nice to both of them, so it doesn’t seem suspicious that you’re talking to your ex again. Avoid reminiscing about your old relationship in the presence of his new girlfriend because that can get awkward and is a dead giveaway that you’re still wanting him.
  2. 3. Text him occasionally, but don’t bombard him. Once you reestablished contact with your ex, you can casually begin texting him. How often and how much you can do this depends on how receptive he is. Texting the link to a funny Tumblr or an old inside joke between the two of you shows that you still value what you guys used to have, but it doesn’t seem desperate.
    • At this stage, you’re actively inserting yourself back into his life, and there could be some objections from his new girlfriend. Do your best to not criticize her in his presence or over texting. Be cool and confident because if he keeps talking to you despite her protests, then that is a great sign that your approach is working
    • Focus on becoming his friend again. Friends meet for coffee or chat about what new movies are out. Make your short-term goal to have him as a friend. This will help him let his guard down, and will allow you to reestablish the connection that drew you both together in the first place. Was it a mutual love of baseball? The fact that you both hated the math class you took together? Think of this stage as pressing the restart button on your friendship
    • A good way to stay out of the friend zone is to break the touch barrier. Don’t do anything overly obvious, but simply touching his shoulder or reaching across the table for his arm while you’re making a point can send the right signals.

    • 5 . Let him know how you feel. Once you’ve carefully built up to winning him back, it’s time to let him know how you feel. This is best done in person so that you can see his reactions and hear his voice inflections. Rehearse what you plan to say beforehand so you don’t stumble over

      • Try to not be overly emotional. Simply say that you miss what you both had before, you know what you did wrong in the relationship, and you want to give it another shot with him. Let him know that you’re aware that while the past won’t instantly be erased, you know what mistakes were made and what to avoid.
      • Avoid crying or pleading with him, if he doesn’t seem to be on the same page with you. This makes you look desperate, and will likely drive him away completely. At this point, you’ve reestablished a friendship with him, and that might be all he is ready for right now. Be respectful of his feelings, and don’t try to force a romantic relationship if he doesn’t seem ready for it
      • Even though you tried your best, be ready for rejection. Sometimes no matter how hard we try, our exes are not in the same mindframe as us. Keep in mind that he might still be hurting over your break up, or he might truly love his new girlfriend.your words
      • 6. Encourage him to take his time. You know firsthand the pain of a break-up, and if you are successful at winning him back, then he has to break-up with another girl and hurt her feelings. It will show self-confidence and maturity for you to tell him to take some time and be kind to his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend when he breaks the news to her.Sometimes two people grow apart, and there's not much we can do about it. If you've told him how you feel, and he still wants to be single or with someone else, then you will need to accept his choice. You can set your sights on a new love interest or take some time for yourself. Always remember that you didn't break up because there is anything wrong with you as a person. Break-ups just happen all the time for a variety of reasons. One day, you'll likely find a new relationship that will make your old one pale in comparison.


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