She is confident,Being stubborn comes with a certain confidence in the things you believe and stand for. And girls who are confident are also incredibly se xy.
A stubborn girl will know exactly what she wants, and she won’t feel any hesitation in going right after it. She can be very fierce with her emotions. And when it comes to the people and things she truly loves, she will be ALL IN! If you fall in love with a stubborn girl, remember that she will be stubborn about you as well. She will love you no matter how many fights you have, no matter how hard things get, and no matter how many hurdles come in between.
2. She is real:
She is not the pushover. She is not the girl who will keep agreeing with you only due to pity, fear, or any kind of weakness. This girl actually has backbone. And she will always keep things real with you. When she doesn’t agree with something you say or do, she will come right out and say it. This will help you enjoy an honest and down-to-earth relationship with her.
Okay let’s face it- sometimes, she will know you even better than your own self. She will keep fighting against you if she knows when something is in your best interest. And she will be absolutely relentless in the case of your safety, health, and happiness.
She will never be the girl who can stand on the side and watch you destroy your talents or potential. She will be the girl who constantly looks for ways to love you better, and ways to make you love
4. She is passionate:
She is stubborn. And she is emotional. This will mean that she has certain desires and wants, her own list of things that she’s into, and her own passionate things that not many can comprehend. She is not the kind of girl who can just live life on the down low at all times. She is going to light a fire in you, and give your relationship the exciting spark that many desperately want.
She is stubborn and stubborn about you as well. She will act stubborn when it comes to the way people treat you, and especially in the way she treats you herself. She will make sure she treats you like an equal, or even places you first at times.
She will continue to love you, even in the times she’s angry or frustrated with you. And thing her stubbornness is the one that will stop her from EVER giving up on you.
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