When you’re in a healthy relationship, and when your guy truly loves and respects you, he’ll treat you as an equal partner in his life, and as an individual who has an equal say in the relationship. If you feel like your partner never even considers your opinion in the important decisions of the relationship and if he expects you to accept and follow all of his instructions without questioning them, then he doesn’t truly love you.
Does he ever talk about the future together? Does he make you feel like you’re a constant part of his life decisions, a part he couldn’t survive without? When you truly love someone, one thing that is sure to happen is that you become incapable of imagining a life without your significant other. You feel like a life without them wouldn’t even be a life at all. If you think your partner has never made you feel this way, then maybe this relationship is just something that will fade away with time.
After all is said and done, the real test of a man’s love is whether he decides to be with you through it all- the good times as well as the bad, the times when you’re at your absolute best and even the times when you feel no one would be able to love you! You don’t even need to ask when you need him because he is always right there to support you, to lift you up, and to help you be the best version of yourself.
3. Do you trust him with your life?
Trust is one of the most essential features of a relationship, sometimes even more essential than love! If you can’t completely trust him with the intricate details of your life, if you still hesitate in letting him in after months or even years of being together, if you can’t truly believe every single thing that comes out of his mouth, then you should really start considering why you’re in still this relationship.
Actions speak louder than words. I cannot emphasize enough on this one line! To determine if someone truly loves you, all you need to do is observe how they behave with you. Does he talk to you with love and affection when you’re alone and then completely ignore you when you’re around other people? Does he declare how madly in love he is with you, and then just stop listening the minute you start telling him about the day you’ve had? Does he say he’ll always be there for you and then end up ditching you for your date whenever his boys make a sudden plan? If the answer to any or all of these questions is yes, then you need to consider if his words mean anything at all.
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