Thursday 19 May 2016


Giving Up on Trying to Repair Broken Trust This is a big one. There are a ton of people out there who believe that once someone’s trust has been betrayed, that’s it, the relationship is over. And I don’t blame people for that belief. A lot of the time, someone who lied is going to lie again, and reinforce the idea that trust can’t be repaired. However, I can GUARANTEE that you personally know a couple that lost the trust between them and rebuilt it – even if you never found out about it. Want to know why? Because they realized that as long as both people put in the hard work (and yes, it is hard work) of rebuilding trust in a relationship, they can make the relationship stronger than it ever was. They can make the relationship so strong that no one would ever know someone’s trust was betrayed. So if you think there’s any chance at salvaging a relationship and repairing trust –it’s worth a shot. No relationship is doomed just because of one breach.
Being Defensive and criticizing: People can get into the defensive mode when challenged or criticized by their partner. It is noted that many women try to justify their behavior or mistakes even when they are wrong instead of admitting that they made a mistake. Also constantly complaining or criticizing the flaws in your Guy can damage your relationship. When such things occur regularly, it could result in unhappiness among couples. If you want to have happy and healthy relationship, be ready to accept the mistakes and take efforts to make amends. Being Abusive: Men do not like being treated like dirt. If you value your relationship, you need to stop passing sarcastic remarks withholding affection as punishment using negative comments picking fights for silly reasons threatening to leave in case he does not fulfill your demands getting into physical or verbal abuse
Talking about Ex Boyfriend: Bragging about Ex is a common mistake many women commit. Many women are seen comparing their current boyfriends or husbands with their ex’s. This is an indication that you are still carrying the previous relationship baggage. Men hate it when a loved one talks highly about any other man and may take it literally even if your intention was just to create jealousy. Being Unfaithful: Infidelity is a major reason for relationship break ups. Do not cheat on your partner or do things which could brand you as unfaithful. Gaining the trust of your Partner after betrayal could be a difficult task.
Being Selfish: Do you always try to get things your way? Are you only concerned about your needs and desires?When you care only about what you want and consider others needs much less important, you are destroying your relationship. You should be as much a giver as a taker if you want to have a successful relationship. Being Dishonest: Honesty is very important in relationships. Being dishonest to your partner can make you guilty. It is better to trust your man with the truth that letting him find it out from anyone else. If you lied and got caught, he may never trust you even if you are telling the truth. When trust is lacking in a relationship, it is less likely to succeed. Not listening or Talking: Good Communication is an essential ingredient for any successful relationship. Not listening could be worse than responding negatively. Share your problems and happiness with your Partner and also try to be a good listener when he talks. By doing it you are letting your Guy know that you value his presence in your life. Not expressing love: A women can express her love for man in many ways. Keep the romantic gestures and talks alive in your relationship. Even taking good care of your appearance and body is an expression of love.


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