Thursday, 19 May 2016
1. Spoils you silly: Of course, women love gifts.
They love to be pampered and spoilt silly. Some
men would buy you heaven and earth just to get
you to say ‘I Do’ and when you finally do, they
stop. If you ask them for anything, they would
yell and call you materialistic
He takes all your ‘crap’: Some men would
let you do whatever you want without
complaining. They let you yell at them and insult
them. Some would even apologise when they
know they are not wrong just to get you. Just
become their wives and they will show you who
the head of the home is. Before you say one
word, he would have slapped some sense into
This is not to say all men play these tricks. There
are still some genuine ones out there. One just
has to be careful when falling in love so you
don’t end up with someone who is pretending
to be what he is not and then you end up
unhappy and full of regrets.
2. Dedicated in church: Once a man realizes you are a religious person and he wants you, he would do anything to get you, even if it means dedicating all his time to serving God. Those
kind of men would follow you to all the weekly
activities, they would join a unit in church just so
you think they are Jesus lovers. Just wait till you
are married and he then he stops going to church, giving you one excuse after the other every Sunday.
3. He pretends to be rich: Some ladies really
love the fine things of life and would not want to
settle down with a struggling man. Some men
would borrow their friend’s car and even borrow
their houses just to form rich guy. Some ladies
end up falling for this kind of guy and when you
already deep into the relationship, you realize,
you fell for a fake person.
He pretends to be neat: Some guys would
wear neat boxers and sparkling white shirts
whenever they know you are coming to visit.
That way you think you are dating a very neat
guy. Don’t be deceived, once you get married,
you’ll realize he’s worse than a pig.
4. Perfume : Hmmmmm... no need to talk about this. It's as simple as I told you it'd be. The worst part, even a N1200 perfume can
make a girl think, "Hmmm... just maybe"
Dress cute: Whether wearing the most expensive or the cheapest, as long as the color goes well and the clothes are ironed, ladies just
start considering. If the guy con try add good
shoe with correct belt, aha! "It is finished"
again... Thank u Lord Jesus!
Clean Skin : O boy! I don't know where to
start from in this one. A 20-something year old
lady almost raped me when I was like 12 years
old coz of my skin tone! Heck, why do you think
ladies love holding babies and cuddling them?
Once a guy maintains his skin well, no blemish,
no pimple, all clean, the ladies even start
deceiving themselves. They be like, "wow... he's
SO competing with me"
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