Wednesday 18 May 2016


A cheating boyfriend or girlfriend is something we worry about. Not everyone cheats. From time to time, these worries are unfounded. Perhaps he does have to work late, or the strange girl in your bathroom is his sister, but here are some sure signals to find a cheating significant other. Everyone in the world thinks everyone is cheating. Ask yourself before you put yourself through all this stuff. Does he love you and if the answer is yes, then he is not cheating and all these signs are from typical lying fools and you should spend your day thinking of all the positives things he or she does for you and how much they love you.
He Suddenly Cares About His Hygiene. You’ve known him long enough to know how he typically cares for himself. If he takes a sudden interest in how he looks, his physical health, and even starts showering more, who is he trying to impress? (Was he trying to impress you or someone else?) He Goes Out More Whether he’s going out “with friends” or has something come up with family, this could be a red flag that he’s really seeing someone else. He Keeps Working Late Sudden work emergency? Big project that he didn’t tell you about in advance? If he starts working overtime and is hours on sporadic days of the week working late, he might not actually be working… He Avoids Getting Close To You. If you notice that your guy suddenly avoids intimacy with you (or stops entirely), that’s a huge red flag. Some men who fear intimacy will cheat to feel like they still have power over their s*x life, and some men cheat simply because they want someone “young and new”… Which leads to my next sign. He’s Selfish. If your man is self-indulgent and puts himself before everything, never compromising with you, he could be the kind of guy to cheat, as infidelity is a selfish act on it’s own.
Notice if they leave the room to take calls. If you ask whom called or texted them, do they always tell you "It's nobody?" These are also important signals, which show that your boyfriend, girlfriend,etc. has something to hide. Catch them in a lie. Casually ask a boyfriend or girlfriend where they were such and such day, and let them answer. Remember their answer, and ask again a few days later. If they are lying constantly, then they will have a hard time keeping up. They may start to get angry with these simple questions, another big hint. Notice whether his or her friends are acting differently towards you. Have his or her friends begun to act oddly around you? When you casually talk to his friends, do they seem anxious, nervous, or eager to leave? They probably know something you don't know.
He is a shitty communicator and takes forever to text you back. Duh, because he's texting countless other girls, so it takes a while for him to get back to you. He occasionally agrees to plans, then backs out later — like telling you he can come to your cousin's wedding and then acting weird when you actually try to book a rental car. He falls off the map more often than not. He can't commit — to you or to future plans, even things like what you're going to do with him on Saturday. He sometimes lies about random/inconsequential things at times when it doesn't really seem to matter. Everyone he follows on Instagram appears to be a sexy-looking, half-na ked woman. He has a lot of numbers in his phone that aren't saved under names. You can bet those numbers are attached to girls who are conversing with him in a flirty manner Trust. You haven't met his family. OK, maybe his mom, but she doesn't even know what he's up to, and you only met her for an hour.


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